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Research Agenda

The CPC is engaging in design-based research across our respective institutions. Design-based research allows us to investigate the development of the tools and resources needed by teacher educators to support practice-based teacher education around a shared set of practices for K-12 teaching and pedagogies of teacher education.  We have two main objectives:

  1. To learn from the iterative process of developing and studying shared core practices of K-12 subject-matter teaching.
  2. To investigate the implementation of teacher education pedagogies that can support the development of these core practices in ways that leverage and build from students’ intellectual, cultural, linguistic, and emotional assets.

Research Questions 

Examples of the research questions we are pursuing include:

  • What are the conditions, processes, and understandings that enable a group of teacher educators from different institutions to develop shared starting points to work on a core practice, such as facilitating classroom discussion, in different K-12 subject matters? How can teacher educators better understand how that practice is instantiated in interaction with various teacher education programs and K-12 students?
  • How do novice teachers enact the practices of facilitating classroom discussion and modeling during their initial preparation? What role do the CPC-developed resources play in novice teachers’ enactment of these practices?  How can novice teachers use classroom discussions and modeling to leverage and build from students' intellectual, cultural, linguistic, and emotional assets?
  • How do the teacher education pedagogies of modeling and rehearsal help novice teachers take up and contextualize the practice of classroom discussion in their own classrooms? How do teacher education pedagogies support novices in considering issues of identity and power in learning and enacting practices?
  • To what extent and in what ways does the implementation of the pedagogies of modeling teaching and rehearsal vary across teacher educators, subject matter areas, and institutions? What factors account for this variation? In what ways do these teacher education pedagogies enable teacher educators and novice teachers to learn together what equity-centered instruction entails?
  • What are some of the obstacles and resources for this kind of work? How can the obstacles be managed productively?

Our work 

Members of the CPC are engaged in a range of research related to teacher education and practice-based teaching. The following is a sample of publications, presentations, and related websites listed by publication date:


Ball, D. L., & Forzani, F. (2009). The work of teaching and the challenge for teacher educationJournal of Teacher Education, 60(5), 497–511. doi: 10.1177/0022487109348479.

Ball, D. L., & Forzani, F. (2011). Building a common core for learning to teach, and connecting professional learning to practiceAmerican Educator, 35(2), 17–21, 38–39.

Dutro, E., & Cartun, A. (2016). Cut to the core practices: Toward visceral disruptions of binaries in PRACTICE-based teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 58, 119-128. 

Fogo, B. (2014). Core practices for teaching history: The results of a Delphi panel survey. Theory and Research in Social Education, 42(2), 151–196. doi: 10.1080/00933104.2014.902781.

Franke, M. L., Kazemi, E., & Battey, D. (2007). Understanding teaching and classroom practice in mathematics. In F. Lester (Ed.), Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning, New York, NY: Macmillan.

Ghousseini, H., Beasley, H., & Lord, S. (2015). Investigating the potential of an enactment tool in supporting adaptive performance. Journal of the Learning Sciences24 (3), 461-497.

Grossman, P., Hammerness, K., & McDonald, M. (2009). Redefining teacher: Re-imagining teacher educationTeachers and teaching: Theory and practice, 15(2), 273–290. doi: 10.1080/13540600902875340.

Grossman, P., & McDonald, M. (2008). Back to the future: Directions for research in teaching and teacher education. American Educational Research Journal, 45(1), 184–205. doi: 10.3102/0002831207312906.

Kazemi, E., Ghousseini, H., & Cunard, A., Turrou, A. (2015). Getting inside rehearsals: Insights from teacher educators to support work on complex practice. Journal of Teacher
, 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/0022487115615191

Kloser, M. (2014). Identifying a core set of science teaching practices: A Delphi expert panel approach. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(9), 1185–1217. doi: 10.1002/tea.21171.

Lampert, M. (2010, January/February). Learning teaching in, from, and for practice: What do we mean? Journal of Teacher Education, 61(1/2), 21–34. doi: 10.1177/0022487109347321.

Lampert, M., Franke, M., Kazemi, E., Ghousseini, H., Turrou, A., Beasley, H., Cunard, A., Crowe, K. (2013). Keeping it complex: Using rehearsals to support novice teacher learning of ambitious teaching in mathematicsJournal of Teacher Education, 64(3), 226–243. doi: 10.1177/0022487112473837.

McDonald, M., Kazemi, E., & Kavanagh, S. (2013). Core practices and pedagogies of teacher education: A call for a common language and collective activityJournal of Teacher Education, 64, 378–386. doi: 10.1177/0022487113493807.

McDonald, M., Kazemi, E., Kelley-Petersen, M., Mikolasy, K., Thompson, J., Valencia, S., & Windschitl, M. (2014). Practice makes practice: Learning to teach in teacher education. Peabody Journal of Education, 89(4), 500–515. doi: 10.1080/0161956X.2014.938997.

Windschitl, M., & Calabrese Barton, A. (Forthcoming). Rigor and equity by design: Seeking a core of practices for the science education community. AERA Handbook of Research on Teaching, 5th ed.

Windschitl, M., Thompson, J., Braaten, M., & Stroupe, D. (2012). Proposing a core set of instructional practices and tools for teachers of scienceScience Education, 96(5), 878–903.


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